Sunday, April 22, 2007

VT Tragedy

First off, I would like to say that my hear goes out to all of the victims families from the Virginia Tech massacre. I'm not so sure there is a way to prevent something like this from happening again and I don't think there was a way to ever prevent it from happening. The campus at VT is open and anyone at any time could go there whenever they want. There's really no way to tell when some crazy person is going to decide to do what the shooter at VT did. Anyone at anytime could flip and decide to do that any no one would know unless they had told mentioned it or written it down before it happened.

You cant really say that you could keep students from having weapons because theres always a way around something and someone that wants something like that is going to have it or get it regardless of whats at stake. I think I saw on t.v. where students had to have like an ID card to get in the buildings and dorms but that also would be easy for a student of another school or just anyone off the streets to obtain if they knew someone that went to school there or something. I just don't really believe that something like this can be prevented without people finding out before it ever happens.

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