Sunday, April 29, 2007

Advice for Success

At the beginning of next semester if you are worried about taking this class you shouldn't be. I think out of all the classes I have taken at Clemson, this is the one that has taught me the most. As we did the work in the class, I could see how down this road this stuff was really going to help. I actually found all of the work we did interesting and I thought it was great that we got to work with a client because you could see the work you were doing was going to make a difference and help out the client. If there is one tip I can give about this class it is to not take the formatting quiz or the grammar for granted. Just study for these two a little bit and you should be fine. These two quizzes were probably the easiest grades but I put the studying off and didn't do as well as I should have. I think it was great working in a group while doing the project for the client. It helped to have a lot of good ideas and we put them together to make a great website. Make sure you can attend all the group meetings and are prepared for them so that you can help produce a good project.

The most difficult thing about this class was making the different portfolios but Angie was always available and willing to help. If you have any problems about anything do not hesitate to ask her for help because she is such a very nice lady and will always help you. I really think just about everything we did in this class has prepared very much for obstacles I will be facing when I graduate. Thanks Angie for a great semester!

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