Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Fired for a blog?

I must have been so excited the week before spring break that I forgot to do a blog that week so I am now making that up. I hope this is ok to do this now and I hope this counts toward the second phase of blogging.

I can't believe that people have actually been fired from there work on the account that they had a personal blog. Obviously, I know you wouldn't just get fired for having a personal blog but whats the difference in talking with fellow employees in the office about work or how bad it sucks or how you feel about certain people in the company or having your own personal blog where you could write down how you feel just as long as it doesn't discriminate or look bad on the company. It is my opinion that people would be more likely to say bad things about the company or people in a company to other workers at work instead of writing it in a blog and I bet people rarely get fired for talking at work. Now I could understand if someone had a personal blog and they were writing rude things about certain people or telling secrets that the company doesn't want people to know, then that would allow for someone to be fired.

I think it would be ok to have a person blog to let people know how you feel and let people know how things are going as long as you don't bring defamation to the company or the people that work there. As for the question Angie asked if it would be ok if they didn't blog from a computer at work, I think that would be ok still as long as when they do blog wherever it may be from that they still aren't speaking bad about the company or people in it.

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