Sunday, February 4, 2007

Project and Party

probably just like everyone else in the class, when i first heard of the project that we were going to be doing I was a little confused. I didn't really have a clue on which way we were supposed to go with this thing, but now that we have some information about what The Sunshine House is about I think we will be able to help them out a lot. I was a little confused as to who or what our target was, what were they looking to get out of the end result of the project and things like that. I think it will be a great opportunity to help an organization like this and I look forward with working with The Sunshine House staff.

As far as the party goes that happened on campus 2 weeks ago I don't really have a lot to say about it. I don't agree with it or think it was right and I believe that it would have offended people regardless but I think it blew up so much because of the date on which the party was on. If the same party had been this past weekend or last semester I don't think there would have been as much talk about it but I think it had a lot to do with the timing and date of the party. Two of my friends and many other people dressed up for Halloween, one of them was 50 cent and the other as Flavor Flave but no one said anything about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the timing was a big part of why it got so much coverage. I think a lot of college students love the hip hop culture and probably would not look at dressing up that way as being disrespectful. But if you put all the different variables together - the date, the pics on Facebook, etc... it just really painted an ugly picture about us. Very sad. But I hope we can learn something from it.