Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Semester So Far...

Well, for me its getting about that time when all my tests and stuff are starting to pile up and hit me all at once. Last week I had 3 quizzes and a test in the same day and this week I have two test and the interview on Friday. Good thing I changed my presentation date because I definitely procrastinated this weekend and am still not prepared for my law test tomorrow.

So far it seems as though this class has went by pretty slow but I can see that things are starting to pick up now along with all of my other classes. I feel well prepared for the presentation and interview I've just got to find the time to get all of this done by the deadlines. The portfolio on the other hand I think I might need to look over a few more times before I start to put it together. I think our group is more than ready to start on the project and I believe we will be able to get a lot done by not having class and having more time to work on the project.

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