Sunday, February 25, 2007

Phase 1

Since its the last week and we are finishing up phase 1 of the class I thought I would reflect on the many things we have done this past week. I have not given my presentation yet but so far the ones that have been given in the class have been very interesting and I have learned a lot of things about the different places people have been. I particularly liked the presentation about the cruises because in May after graduation me and my girlfriend are going on a cruise so that was pretty good and gave me some things to look forward to. I'm sure going on the cruise is going to be a lot of fun but the drive to Port Canaveral, FL is going to be a long one.

I had my interview last Friday and I thought it went pretty well. I was kind of nervous at the beginning because I didn't know what to expect but after a few minutes it wasn't all that bad. Going in to the interview I didn't think I would be that nervous because it was someone that I know and see three times a week doing the interview but I think being confined in a small space kind of made it a little weird at the beginning. I guess I just expected a desk or something in between me and the interviewer but overall it was alright. When the interview was over I already knew before talking to Angie that there were a few things I did wrong. Like she said I was nervous at first and the next time I have an interview I'm going to try and tell myself to just be calm and be me. Also, when Angie asked if I had any questions about the company I said no. I knew that I had made a mistake and found out that it is always good to ask questions, so next time I will do a little research before the interview and be prepared.

well I really have a lot of stuff to do this week so I guess I'm going to end this here. Along with the portfolio and presentation that I have to do this week for English, I also have two quizzes in Law and a Midterm in Psychology so I better get to doing some work.

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