Sunday, February 25, 2007

Phase 1

Since its the last week and we are finishing up phase 1 of the class I thought I would reflect on the many things we have done this past week. I have not given my presentation yet but so far the ones that have been given in the class have been very interesting and I have learned a lot of things about the different places people have been. I particularly liked the presentation about the cruises because in May after graduation me and my girlfriend are going on a cruise so that was pretty good and gave me some things to look forward to. I'm sure going on the cruise is going to be a lot of fun but the drive to Port Canaveral, FL is going to be a long one.

I had my interview last Friday and I thought it went pretty well. I was kind of nervous at the beginning because I didn't know what to expect but after a few minutes it wasn't all that bad. Going in to the interview I didn't think I would be that nervous because it was someone that I know and see three times a week doing the interview but I think being confined in a small space kind of made it a little weird at the beginning. I guess I just expected a desk or something in between me and the interviewer but overall it was alright. When the interview was over I already knew before talking to Angie that there were a few things I did wrong. Like she said I was nervous at first and the next time I have an interview I'm going to try and tell myself to just be calm and be me. Also, when Angie asked if I had any questions about the company I said no. I knew that I had made a mistake and found out that it is always good to ask questions, so next time I will do a little research before the interview and be prepared.

well I really have a lot of stuff to do this week so I guess I'm going to end this here. Along with the portfolio and presentation that I have to do this week for English, I also have two quizzes in Law and a Midterm in Psychology so I better get to doing some work.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Semester So Far...

Well, for me its getting about that time when all my tests and stuff are starting to pile up and hit me all at once. Last week I had 3 quizzes and a test in the same day and this week I have two test and the interview on Friday. Good thing I changed my presentation date because I definitely procrastinated this weekend and am still not prepared for my law test tomorrow.

So far it seems as though this class has went by pretty slow but I can see that things are starting to pick up now along with all of my other classes. I feel well prepared for the presentation and interview I've just got to find the time to get all of this done by the deadlines. The portfolio on the other hand I think I might need to look over a few more times before I start to put it together. I think our group is more than ready to start on the project and I believe we will be able to get a lot done by not having class and having more time to work on the project.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Presentation...

When it comes to the upcoming presentation I'll have to admit I'll probably be a little nervous about it. I usually don't mind talking in front of people, but when its people that you have to see everyday I guess I am just a little more worried about what you guys might think about me. I don't mind talking to people I don't know and that's pretty backwards that I'm nervous to talk to people I kinda know and see everyday but not really that intimidated by someone that I don't know at all. Anyway, the topic I would most likely talk about would probably be baseball or softball. I know this seems pretty boring but It's something that I do just about every weekend from March through August.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Project and Party

probably just like everyone else in the class, when i first heard of the project that we were going to be doing I was a little confused. I didn't really have a clue on which way we were supposed to go with this thing, but now that we have some information about what The Sunshine House is about I think we will be able to help them out a lot. I was a little confused as to who or what our target was, what were they looking to get out of the end result of the project and things like that. I think it will be a great opportunity to help an organization like this and I look forward with working with The Sunshine House staff.

As far as the party goes that happened on campus 2 weeks ago I don't really have a lot to say about it. I don't agree with it or think it was right and I believe that it would have offended people regardless but I think it blew up so much because of the date on which the party was on. If the same party had been this past weekend or last semester I don't think there would have been as much talk about it but I think it had a lot to do with the timing and date of the party. Two of my friends and many other people dressed up for Halloween, one of them was 50 cent and the other as Flavor Flave but no one said anything about that.