Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Little Introduction

How's it going today? I just wanted to take a little time and introduce myself to everyone. My name is Josh Winkler and I am a junior Human Resource Management major from Spartanburg, South Carolina. I transferred here after two years of playing junior college baseball at Spartanburg Methodist College. I had scholarship offers to some smaller schools after my two years at SMC but I kinda got burned out on baseball and thought it would be better to just focus on school and get a good education. I graduated from Spartanburg Methodist College with an Associates of Arts degree in 2005 and technically should be graduating this May but if any of you have transferred here, you know they screw you on your credits or at least that's what happened to me. I selected HR as my major because I feel that I have very good people skills and I like to be in the loop about everything. This past summer and semester I worked for a company called Fastenal as a inside/outside salesperson. I felt like this was a great experience for me and it really introduced me to what life will be like when I graduate. I use to be shy and I didn't really like talking in front of people that were new or I didn't know but after making sales calls and dealing with people everyday its really not that bad anymore. I still sometimes get a little nervous when I have to get up and speak in front of people though.

A few of my interests include baseball/softball, basketball, football, fishing, working out, going downtown, eating good food,working and spending time with my girlfriend Lauren who is an accounting major here. . I know I said earlier that I got burned out on baseball so I pretty much just watch it now but I've really got hooked on competitive slow pitch softball. I've been around softball all of my life because when I was little my dad always played it. The team I played on last year is basically the same team I am playing on this year with the addition of three new guys. I am the youngest at 21 and most of the other guys are between 25-40. We won two world tournaments last year one in Panama City, FL with 256 teams and the other in Atlanta, GA with about 75 teams and also finished second in another world in Alabama that had over 128 teams in it. I like softball because it is very competitive and believe it or not you can actually make it a career and get paid for it. People that play A major for teams such as Easton, Worth or TPS actually get paid a salary around 50,000-60,000 to play.

I'm really a very easy person to talk to and get along with and I like working with other people as a team to accomplish a goal. I'm a very reliable person and look forward to working with whoever would like to have me as a part of there team.

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