Friday, March 9, 2007

Project + Proposal = Busy

This week we met on Wednesday in order to talk about the proposal that is due next week and also to check out how our website is coming along. Crystal had tried to create our website last weekend in dreamweaver but it ended up not working out, so she had to write the website out in code or something like that and for that I would like to congratulate and thank her. Just thinking about writing out or making up my own web page based on code just gives me a headache and I wouldn't even know where to begin. Right now, we basically have a rough draft of our website on the computer to look at and now we just have to figure out what information we want to put and where. At our meeting we were a little confused as to what all went into the proposal and how long each sections should be. We were hoping that Fridays class would give us an idea of what to include so that we could divide up the different sections and get this done over the weekend so we can put it all together in class next Monday. We kinda felt as a group that we had waited a little to long to find out what all was supposed to go in our proposal and decided that it would be great if we could get the proposal pushed back and due on Friday instead of Wednesday. With it being the week before spring break a lot of people in our group have said they have a lot of tests and it will be tough to meet so we felt that we are going to be rushed to get this done.

Friday, March 2, 2007

My Presentation...

Well, the time came where I had to give my presentation today and I don't think it was really all that bad. I liked the fact that we could choose to do the presentation on anything we wanted, because I felt a lot more comfortable talking about something I know a lot about instead of having to learn all kinds of new facts and different things. I hope I wasn't too nervous and didn't speak to fast, if I did sorry guys. I don't know if its just me but I kind of hate the feeling I get after giving a presentation. First off, you don't know how well it went, if you spoke too fast, if you didn't make any sense and the thing that bothers me the most is after the fact I always realize I left things out. I forgot to mention all the prizes you win for winning the tournaments, what we actually won last year and how many teams are usually in the tournaments. I guess things that happen like that are kind of good though because then it gives you something that you know you need to work on for next time.

Also, I think our team meetings went very well while we had this little time of from class. I think we got a lot accomplished with what we are going to do any now all we have to do is actually sit down and do the website on the computer. Hopefully, since we are getting a visit Monday from The Anderson Sunshine House they will be able to answer a few questions that we have about what can and can't go on the website. Well, since I blogged about other peoples presentations last week and the portfolio and stuff I guess this is it.

Here is a link to that video I tried to put on my presentation, I hope it works. This guy pitching is playing in a USSSA tournament where you have 5 seconds from the time you get the ball to do anything you want.